Tuesday 18 December 2012

Album art examples

For the accompanying ancillary texts to my promotional music video, I am going to create the front, back, inside sleeve and CD design as part of a digipak, including original images. I am also going to create a magazine advertisement for the digipak. Here are some images that I have chosen of influential album covers within the alternative genre.

These examples of album artwork shows us that there are a number of possibilities for alternative album covers, it could be a picture of the band itself in an everyday location such as the Clash and Beatles album covers, or a more abstract photograph of the band such as the Doors album cover. Another popular artistic choice for album covers is a thought-provoking or unusual image that's meaning is down to interpretation or has certain connotations such as the Nevermind album cover.

For my digipak I am not going to use a photo of band, rather I will use quite an abstract image with the name of the band and single on the front. I will then use stills from the music video along with some original black and white images of the band members to use within the gatefold of my digipak.

Friday 14 December 2012

Shots left to film

Shots to be filmed

  1. medium CU of guitar being taken off rack/picked up (1 sec)
  2. CU of cable being plugged into guitar (1 sec)
  3. medium CU of drum stick striking hi-hat (1 sec)
  4. shot from top of bass neck looking down bass as bass player tunes (1 sec)
  5. CU of beater hitting bass drum in profile view (1 sec)
  6. CU of dial on amp being turned by guitarist (1 sec)
  7. medium CU of guitarist strumming down once (1 sec)
  8. medium CU of singer strumming upwards once (1 sec)
  9. medium CU of bass player swinging bass forward whilst playing (1 sec)
  10. medium CU of hand striking tambourine (1 sec)
  11. extreme CU of singer's eye opening (1 sec)
  12. CU of bass pick hitting bass string (1 sec)
  13. medium CU of singer to left of frame, other band members set up equipment in the background – does as time lapse (4 secs) [filmed for 5 minutes]
  14. [RE-SHOOT] CU of drummer's face looking at camera, no smiling (1 sec)
  15. [RE-SHOOT] CU of singer's face looking at camera (1 sec)

  1. long shot of band leaning against railing on stairway outside industrial building (1 sec)
  2. CU of 'fire exit' sign behind industrial building, then zoom out slightly and track right to medium CU profile shot of bass player smoking (3 secs) [to replace existing shot]
  3. over the shoulder shot of poster being stuck to wall by drummer (2 secs)
  4. CU of poster being stuck to wall by guitarist (2 secs)

  1. Low angle medium CU of drummer lip syncing “there's no one around” line in cemetery (2 secs)

The above shots are to be filmed in three separate locations: rehearsal studio, outside industrial building and the cemetery.

Planning for remaining shots

Here are some quick storyboard frames that I created to give myself a visual idea of how the remaining shots that need to be filmed should look roughly. I am going to capture quick 1 second shots, mainly including close ups, of the band members setting up in a rehearsal space which will be edited together quickly to match the fast pace of the song. I am also going to capture a shot of the singer facing the camera in a medium close up shot whilst the rest of the band set up equipment behind him, which will then be sped up as a time lapse during post-production.

My video is mainly performance based, however there is a small narrative element that I wish to achieve by showing the band members sticking up posters in certain locations, these shots are also yet to be filmed.

New location

I discovered this stairwell outside of an industrial building on National Avenue and felt that it would be a great place to capture a shot within my music video, perhaps with the band members leaning against the railing. I will also bring a camera with me and take a picture of the band as a possible picture to be used as part of the digipak. I will then put a black and white filter over to fit with the bland, industrial feel which is a typical feature of alternative band photos.

Friday 7 December 2012

Shots left to film

Shots left to film

  1. Tilt down from sky to show singer approaching camera from mid to medium CU in town centre (3 secs)
  2. -
  3. CU of poster being pinned to a tree by singer, pull out into medium CU over the shoulder shot (3 secs)
  4. Medium CU of singer pushing camera away during drum fill (1 sec)
  5. Long profile shot from down a side alley, showing the singer walk by down old town (2 secs)
  6. Static shot of band logo (1 sec)
  7. Static CU shot of “keep music evil” poster (1 sec)
  8. Wide shot showing steps down old town, a car then drives through shot, suddenly the band appears on the steps sat down, bass player is leant against the wall and singer is playing guitar (4 secs)
  9. Medium CU tracking shot of singer walking along pier playing guitar (4 secs)
  10. Medium two shot of singer playing guitar in back of car with guitarist sat next to him looking out of the window (7 secs)
  11. Medium CU of bass player lip-syncing “I want you to get what you can like crazy” then pull focus to singer in background who sings “seems you're all out of time” in pier area (7 secs)
  12. Long shot of band turned around facing wall with singer facing forwards, singer and band both turn opposite ways and the band all point at the camera simultaneously (1 sec)
  13. -
  14. Medium two shot of singer lip-syncing next “there's no one around” line in back of car with band member next to him reading newspaper (4 secs)
  15. Tilt down from sky into static long shot of underneath of a bridge, the singer walks away from camera with guitar on his back, beginning in mid shot, then long shot and then extreme long shot as he disappears under the bridge. The song will fade out and as the singer is out of view a “keep music evil” poster blows through the shot, the camera then tilts down and zooms into CU of poster. A foot then steps over the poster (30 secs)

    This is a list I have created of the shots left that need to be filmed, colour coded in terms of location. Yellow being town, green being inside a car, and blue being ella street.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Narrative theory applied to music video

In my music video for the song "Going to Hell" by the Brian Jonestown Massacre It has been created in accordance with the Sven Carlsson (1999) music video theory which states that "When a music video mostly shows an artist (or artists) singing or dancing, it is a performance clip." The main focus of my video is the singer who is shown through performance aspects as the lead musician and is therefore being used to market the band. I have interwoven basic narrative aspects with the performance element of the video as is traditional of music videos of the genre. My video follows the conventions of a traditional song performance clip, showing the vocalist in multiple settings playing his guitar and lip syncing. It has been created as a montage clip, favouring performance aspects over narrative elements. Michael Shore (1984) used such phrases as "recycled styles", "simulated experience" and "information overload" to describe music videos and this very much applies to my music video which simulates the experience of watching the band play and is unoriginal in nature. The video is not deliberately unoriginal, however the influence of past culture makes the creation of a totally original concept almost impossible. Within the diegesis of my music video (the fictional world implied by the narrative) it is normal for the singer/performer to walk around playing guitar in these separate locations as the representation that he is given as the powerful, confident, frontman of the band allows it to be so. Verisimilitude is created within the video through the mimed actions and lip-syncing of the performers, making it appear to the audience that they are watching a real performance.

Monday 3 December 2012

Cast list

Sam Howell - Lead guitarist

Jack Heron - Bass player

Lewis Bailiff - Drummer

Saturday 24 November 2012

Shooting schedule

Filming session 1:

Location: college theatre

Crew needed: Sam Howell, Ryan Docherty, Lewis Bailiff, Jack Heron

Props needed: acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass guitar, drum kit, microphone

Date and time: Friday 23rd November, 4:00-6:00pm

Filming session 2:

Location: cemetery, town

Crew needed: Jarrod Beauchamp, Lewis Bailiff, Sam Howell, Jack Heron

Props needed: acoustic guitar, tambourine, movie countdown cue cards

Date and time: Tuesday 4th December, 1:00pm-4:00pm

Filming session 3:

Location: town, ella street

Crew needed: Jarrod Beauchamp, Sam Howell

Props needed: "keep music evil" posters, acoustic guitar,

Date and time: Monday 10th December

Filming session 4:

Location: rehearsal space, outside industrial building

Crew needed: Sam Howell, Jack Heron, Lewis Bailiff

Props needed: electric guitar, bass guitar, drum kit, tambourine, acoustic guitar

Date and time: Unconfirmed

Thursday 22 November 2012


Here is the finished version of my animatic, featuring the song "Going to Hell" by the Brian Jonestown Massacre. I began by using a scanner to scan my storyboard in, after that I used Adobe photoshop software to crop the individual frames in preparation for my animatic. Next I used Windows Movie Maker software to create my animatic which gives the audience a brief idea of how the music video should look. I used Movie Maker as it is simpler to use than Adobe Premiere Pro and I didn't feel that it would have been necessary to use that software for this. The shots will be roughly same length in my final footage to keep up the rhythmic editing with the song. However, some of the individual shots may change in the final product.

Monday 19 November 2012

Prop List, Mise-en Scene, Costumes and Locations

Prop List

Acoustic guitar

Electric guitar
Drum kit
Bass guitar



The dress code is not strict as band members generally just dress casually, however I have told my actors to dress in a 60's kind of fashion. As the main actor I will be wearing blue jeans with a red checked top.


Spring Bank cemetery - during morning/daytime
College theatre - for band performance parts
Town centre
Old town
Under bridge down avenues
rehearsal space
outside industrial building

Thursday 18 October 2012

Going to Hell music video - shot list

  1. 1.    FADE IN FROM BLACK - Long establishing shot of cemetery with subtitles on screen which will be done in post-production. (4 secs) CUT
    2.    Medium CU of silent movie countdown cue cards being lowered from 5 to 1 by band members, when it gets to 1 zoom into CU to fill frame. (6 secs) CUT
    3.    Begin with CU of 1 cue card, card drops to reveal CU of singer's face, slowly zoom out to reveal cemetery location. Then pull camera backwards as singer starts to play guitar (cue audio) and when the singer is in the distance, the drummer steps into shot from side in medium CU and hits tambourine with hand twice to the first two drum hits. (2 secs) then (0.00-0.06 secs). CUT
    4.    Quickly flicker to Mid shot of singer playing same riff in studio with band behind them. Positioned exactly the same. (0.04-0.05 secs) CUT
    5.    Mid shot of singer playing intro riff to song (0.05-0.07 secs). CUT
    6.    Mid shot of singer playing same riff in studio with band behind them (0.07-0.11) CUT
    7.    Slow tracking (to the left) long shot showing mainly singer and lead guitarist (0.11-0.15) CUT
    8.    Low angle shot of bass player playing (0.15-0.17) CUT
    9.    Slow tracking (to the right) mid shot showing drummer playing (0.17-0.19) CUT
    10.                        Medium CU of lead guitarists guitar being played then pull up into medium CU of lead guitarist. (0.19-0.22) CUT
    11.                        Medium CU of singer lip-syncing "I've been out on my own" into microphone with lead guitarist visible in background to singer's right. (0.22-0.25) CUT
    12.                        Long shot of music shop front with singer walking by in profile shot with guitar on back (0.25-0.29) CUT
    13.                        Medium CU of singer lip-syncing "want you to grab what you can, life's crazy, because you're all outta time" line (0.29-0.35) CUT
    14.                        Static mid shot of drummer doing drum fill (0.35-0.36) CUT
    15.                        Long shot of singer walking away from camera in cemetery woods, then tilt up to show the sky with trees obscuring part of it. (0.36-0.40) CUT
    16.                        Tilt down from sky to shot of singer approaching camera with guitar from mid to medium CU shot in town centre. (0.40-0.43) BASIC WIPE FROM RIGHT
    17.                        CU profile shot of tambourine against dark background being struck by hand in time with the song (0.43-0.46) BASIC WIPE FROM RIGHT
    18.                        CU of bass player looking at camera (0.46-0.47) CUT
    19.                        CU of drummer turning his head into shot and then looking at camera (0.47-0.48) CUT
    20.                        CU of lead guitarist turning his head into shot and then looking at camera (0.48-0.49) CUT
    21.                        quickly zoom into CU of singer looking up to camera (0.49-0.50) CUT
    22.                        Medium CU of bass player then slowly pull back to frame medium CU of singer in time to lip-sync the  "and they said you've been bad" (0.50-0.57) CUT
    23.                        CU of "keep music evil" poster being pinned to a tree by singer, then pull out into medium CU over the shoulder shot (0.57-1.01) CUT
    24.                        Low angle long shot of drummer stood wearing shades and smoking in front of statue/monument (1.01-1.04) CUT
    25.                        Medium CU of singer pushing camera away during drum fill (1.04-1.05) CUT
    26.                        Low angle shot from floor of band looking down into the camera (1.05-1.08) CUT
    27.                        Low angle shot of singers feet walking along cobbled pavement in old town that then tilts up before walking past the camera (1.08-1.11) CUT
    28.                        Long profile shot from down a side alley, showing the singer walk by - continues from last shot (1.11-1.13) CUT
    29.                        CU of 'Pulp Fiction' dance scene on TV, then pull out into medium CU from behind singers head to show singer stood watching it, then circular pan around until showing singer's face (1.13-1.19) CUT
    30.                        Long perspective shot of band - singer is in medium CU closest to camera to right of shot with other members scattered in different places behind him. Playing to song. (1.19-1.22) CUT
    31.                        Long perspective shot of band - this time bass player is closest to camera in medium CU and drummer is brought forwards behind him, lead guitarist is over to the left facing drummer and singer is right at the back playing. (1.22-1.24) CUT
    32.                        Long perspective shot of band - lead guitarist is closer this time in medium CU to left of shot, then the bass player, then the drummer and singer at the back (1.24-1.26) CUT
    33.                        Low angle shot of singer's guitar being played in cemetery (1.26-1.28) BASIC WIPE FROM RIGHT
    34.                        Car drives past camera revealing wide shot of band sat on stairs down old town, singer is playing guitar and drummer is hitting tambourine (1.28-1.32)
    35.                        Long shot of singer stood facing camera in crowded area (city centre) wearing guitar - done as a time lapse to show people rushing by in background. (1.32-1.34) CUT
    36.                        Medium CU of guitar player playing (1.34-1.37) CUT
    37.                        Long shot of whole band playing (1.37-1.40) CUT
    38.                        Mid shot of drummer doing drum fill (1.40-1.41) CUT
    39.                        Medium CU tracking shot of singer as he walks along pier looking out to sea whilst playing guitar (1.41-1.46) CUT
    40.                        Medium CU of bass player in profile view blowing smoke from cigarette (pier location) (1.46-1.49) CUT
    41.                        Medium CU of singer playing guitar near fountain, then zoom out into long shot showing band members talking in foreground (1.49-1.52) CUT
    42.                        Medium two shot of guitar player and bass player walking, bass player then swears at camera (1.52-1.55) CUT
    43.                        Medium two shot of singer playing acoustic in back of car with band member next to him looking out of the window. (1.55-2.02) CUT
    44.                        Perspective shot in pier area with band member in medium CU lip-syncing the "I want you to get what you can like crazy" then pull focuses to singer in background who then sings the "seems you're all out of time" line (2.02-2.09) CUT
    45.                        Long shot of band turned around facing wall but with the singer facing forward. The singer then turns away and the other three turn to face forward and point at the camera simultaneously (2.09-2.10) CUT
    46.                        Zoom from long shot into mid shot of singer playing in cemetery (2.10-2.12) BASIC WIPE FROM RIGHT
    47.                        CU profile shot of tambourine against dark background being struck by hand in time with the song (2.12-2.14) CUT
    48.                        Band are sat on bench with singer at the end) CU of band members face who then looks left, the camera tracks left past each person's face in CU who turn their head to look left at the singer, eventually staying on the singer's face in CU who looks directly at the camera in time to lip-sync the "cause there's no one around" line (2.14-2.18) CUT
    49.                        Slow long tracking shot of band playing (2.18-2.19) CUT
    50.                        Cutaway to CU shot of singer lip-syncing the next "there's no one around" line into microphone (2.19-2.21)  CUT
    51.                        Medium two shot of singer lip-syncing next "there's no one around" line in back of car with band member next to him now reading a newspaper with an absurd headline (2.21-2.25) CUT
    52.  Tilt down from sky into static long shot of the underneath of a bridge, the singer walks away from camera with guitar on his back, beginning in mid shot, then long shot and then very long shot as he dissapears under the bridge. The song will fade out at 2.40 and as the singer is out of view a "keep music evil" poster blows through the shot visibly, the camera then tilts down and zooms into a CU of it on the floor (2.25-2.55) FADE OUT TO BLACK