Friday 28 September 2012

Production Plan

After consideration of an appropriate location to shoot our video, we have decided to use Newland Avenue as it quite a reasonably populated shopping district with lots of protruding shop fronts. Also, there are a lot of street corners with lamp posts and a few trees which are all key parts of the mise en scene within the original video.
Here is a shot from the general location of Newland Avenue that we will be using for our filming.

Thursday 27 September 2012

Deconstruction and Reconstruction of a media text

For this task, as a group, we will attempt to reconstruct (as closely as possible) 30 seconds of the video for "Make a beast of myself" by Twin Atlantic by re-shooting the footage in a similar location with the same choreography and same cinematography and editing techniques that are used in the video.

Our production group

Louise Smith - Producer
Alx Southerington - Director
Danny Mail - Main actor
Blue Stephenson - Camerawork
All - Editing

In order to gather psychographic data that will effect the creative production choices of my music video, I am going to show the song that I have picked to use for my music video to a select few people and then ask them questions based on the songs that they just heard. This will give me a clearer idea of the values and preferences of a select target audience (16-19's).

Going to Hell - Brian Jonestown Massacre.

  1. Having heard the song, which particular genre would you label the song as?
  2. Are there any other existing bands that you would compare to the sound of this one or would you say that it has its own individual sound?
  3. How would you, considering the genre conventions of music videos, imagine the video for this song to look? (Fast paced, slower, montage, band shots, b+w)

Next, I am going to show three influential music videos to the interviewees and then ask them a series of questions based on the footage that they saw in order to gather psychographic data. The first music video I have chosen is for "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana. This grunge rock video is memorable in that it helped to set the trend of the genre and has inspired many music videos since.

  1. Having watched the video for "Smells Like Teen Spirit", would you say that the choice of mise en scene suits the style of the song?
  2. Would you say that there was a clear narrative structure to the video or is it more of a performance spectacle?
  3. Would you say that the use of lighting is effective in fitting with the style of the song?
  4. Are there any other aspects, in terms of cinematography, mise en scene or editing that characterizes the video?

For my next influential media text I have chosen the music video for "Just A Girl" by alternative/ska/pop-rock band No Doubt.

  1. Do you think that there was a particular narrative structure to the song or was there more focus on the performance element, or both?
  2. In the video there is lots of rhythmic editing to the beat of the song, do you think that this worked well?
  3. How was the use of lighting effective in this video?
  4. Are there any other aspects, in terms of cinematography, mise en scene or editing that characterizes the video?

For my final influential media text I have chosen the music video for "You Only Live Once" by alternative rock band The Strokes.
  1. Do you think that there was a particular narrative structure to the song or was there more focus on the performance element, or both?
  2. Does it use the conventional camera shots of a music video?
  3. In terms of mise en scene, how does this video go against the genre conventions?
  4. Would you say that the use of bright white lighting with a matching white dress code is effective in this video?

Friday 14 September 2012

Skills Development Evaluation essay

For my AS Media foundation portfolio, the brief specified that I must produce my own front page, contents page and double page spread for a music magazine with original photographs. I identified in detail the codes and conventions of existing magazines. I then used the research that I gathered in my portfolio to produce the music magazine. I began to learn how to use Photoshop and the preliminary task which was to create a college magazine front cover was the first opportunity for me to demonstrate some of these newly acquired skills and techniques.

I began the planning for my music magazine by deciding firstly which particular genre of music my magazine was going to promote and then the target audience to which it was going to appeal to which I believe was 16-35 year olds. I looked at some existing double page spreads and noticed how the articles are organised into columns with a large main headline across the top of the two pages and quotes pulled from the article that have been emboldened and used as sub-headings for emphasis. I took into account these existing conventions and used them in my own production.                                                                              
     I began my research into my chosen brief by initially identifying the codes and conventions of existing music magazines such as NME, Kerrang, Q and Mojo, for example: the masthead and it’s use of typeface, the choice of a main image and its positioning across the page, the use of cover lines and also the choice of a suitable colour scheme. The biggest influence on my magazine was probably Mojo magazine because of the genre of music it promotes which is classic rock/alternative music.                
     I used the Internet as my primary source of research for visual material, where I was able to gather examples of different music magazine covers and double page spreads which I annotated and then posted onto my blog as examples of music magazine conventions. I called my music magazine “Amped” which means fired up but could also me interpreted as a pun on a musical amplifier.

Previous to completing my AS foundation course, I studied media at GCSE level for two years. I was therefore already familiar with certain media aspects, such as analysing existing media texts and identifying it’s codes and conventions, and also using a camera and how to frame shots correctly. Many of these skills I found to be transferrable to the AS work, such as framing shots correctly which I took into account when photographing the subjects and also my written evaluative skills which I would demonstrate when evaluating the progress of my work along the way and ultimately in the final written evaluation.

There were many new creative skills which I acquired during AS, for example learning to use Adobe Photoshop. The specific skills I learnt on Photoshop which proved the most useful during my music magazine production were cutting out photographs using the magic wand tool and magnetic lasso tool and also organising different layers of a piece of work to resemble a professional standard and be more visually pleasing to the audience.             
     I also became more fluent in digital Photography as that particular element of the magazine required me to take original pictures for the front cover, contents and double page spread of my magazine. For this task I borrowed my friend’s digital SLR camera and the reason for this is because I wanted to produce my magazine to a professional standard and I knew that the quality of the photos would be much better in high definition; this also meant that I could enlarge the photos without losing quality. Many different photos were taken of students posing as musicians which were eventually transferred onto the computer and I then picked the photos which I felt were the best. A creative choice that I made when photographing the subjects for my magazine was to have them standing against a plain background; this choice meant that the editing process was slightly easier.

The final product itself was created using Adobe Photoshop technology on the computer where I applied the skills which I had learned previously during the production of my college magazine to enable me to complete this task. I used the online font generator “” to choose the typeface for my masthead and coverlines.  I printed the finished copies of my magazine and transferred them to my blog using printer and scanner hardware. 
     During the production of my final piece, I resized my chosen photos appropriately, for example, my front cover featured a large medium close up shot of the subject which took up the majority of the page, I then placed the masthead at the top of the page and cover lines around the photo, utilising the negative space. My magazine featured a black, red and white colour scheme which I noticed was quite popular amongst existing magazines. The subject of my front cover wore a black trench coat which allowed me to place the red and white cover lines on top of the image.                    
     After completion of my piece, I posted the scanned pictures of my magazine onto my blog and added a questionnaire which allowed me to gather audience research by asking questions on particular aspects of the piece and whether or not it was effective. The most challenging aspect of the task for me was the creation of the contents page which has the function of directing the readers to particular articles inside the magazine; therefore it needs to include many small coverlines with images wrapped around the text without looking too packed. My contents page went through many changes and improvements during the creation change.

In conclusion, AS foundation media allowed me not just to put my existing media skills into practical use but also taught me many new skills that would become useful and can also be carried through onto the A2 work such as photo editing, analysing a media text in terms of its codes and conventions and how to use correct framing techniques when using a camera.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Audience profiling key terms

Qualitative data: Data gathered from diaries, interviews and questionnaires etc.

Quantitative data: Relates to a type of information that can be counted or expressed numerically.

Psychographic data: Relates to personality, values, attitudes, interests and lifestyles of an audience. This area of research focuses on interests, activities and opinions.

Demographic data: Data gathered on the characteristics of a population depending on a persons socio-economic status, age, gender, race etc.

Values and attitutes          
Pure data statistics

Thursday 6 September 2012

Summer break summary

During the summer break, I chose a selection of music promotional videos which I then analysed in terms of cinematography and conventions. I also stated briefly the possible choice of song for my music video. After that I used the storyboard sheets to analyse an existing music video, shot by shot in terms of cinematography and shot duration; I chose "The Jean Genie" by David Bowie.