Thursday 27 September 2012

In order to gather psychographic data that will effect the creative production choices of my music video, I am going to show the song that I have picked to use for my music video to a select few people and then ask them questions based on the songs that they just heard. This will give me a clearer idea of the values and preferences of a select target audience (16-19's).

Going to Hell - Brian Jonestown Massacre.

  1. Having heard the song, which particular genre would you label the song as?
  2. Are there any other existing bands that you would compare to the sound of this one or would you say that it has its own individual sound?
  3. How would you, considering the genre conventions of music videos, imagine the video for this song to look? (Fast paced, slower, montage, band shots, b+w)

Next, I am going to show three influential music videos to the interviewees and then ask them a series of questions based on the footage that they saw in order to gather psychographic data. The first music video I have chosen is for "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana. This grunge rock video is memorable in that it helped to set the trend of the genre and has inspired many music videos since.

  1. Having watched the video for "Smells Like Teen Spirit", would you say that the choice of mise en scene suits the style of the song?
  2. Would you say that there was a clear narrative structure to the video or is it more of a performance spectacle?
  3. Would you say that the use of lighting is effective in fitting with the style of the song?
  4. Are there any other aspects, in terms of cinematography, mise en scene or editing that characterizes the video?

For my next influential media text I have chosen the music video for "Just A Girl" by alternative/ska/pop-rock band No Doubt.

  1. Do you think that there was a particular narrative structure to the song or was there more focus on the performance element, or both?
  2. In the video there is lots of rhythmic editing to the beat of the song, do you think that this worked well?
  3. How was the use of lighting effective in this video?
  4. Are there any other aspects, in terms of cinematography, mise en scene or editing that characterizes the video?

For my final influential media text I have chosen the music video for "You Only Live Once" by alternative rock band The Strokes.
  1. Do you think that there was a particular narrative structure to the song or was there more focus on the performance element, or both?
  2. Does it use the conventional camera shots of a music video?
  3. In terms of mise en scene, how does this video go against the genre conventions?
  4. Would you say that the use of bright white lighting with a matching white dress code is effective in this video?

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